Hi all,
I’m working on an animation (usually doing AS stuff when in Flash) and am a little flummuxed. I’m used to the timeline in After Effects so working in Flash is really coming along slowly. Here is what I am trying to find a quick way to do.
I’m doing a really simple linear animation. Actually it’s a screensaver. I have something fading in over a second, then it scales down and moves into place. OK fine. So I have two motion tweens over two seconds. Now, let’s say I want to add a pause between the two tweens. Some breathing room. When I try and move the keyframes I end up just lengthening the motion tween and the alpha goes all crazy and everything breaks.
Really frustrating.
What is the best method to go about doing this? Does anyone know any good tutorials on timeline animation? IE working with the UI to move frames around etc? The Flash help is pretty basic and doesn’t really go beyond making a simple tween. More like working methods for complex animations - changing timing, adding segments etc. I am working quite a bit with nested movie clips, but still working on the main sequence is turning into a major headache.
Any tips appreciated.