Simple Timer Modification

I came across this timer from and was wondering if anyone can assist in a little modification? I’ve emailed the publisher, but yet to receive a response yet.

Rather than the timer start from 00:00, I need it to start from 45:00 (45 being minutes).

startTime = getTimer();

onEnterFrame = function () {
   elapsedTime = getTimer() - startTime;
   elapsedHours = Math.floor(elapsedTime / 3600000);
   remaining = elapsedTime - elapsedHours * 3600000;
   elapsedM = Math.floor(remaining / 60000);
   remaining = remaining - elapsedM * 60000;
   elapsedS = Math.floor(remaining / 1000);
   remaining = remaining - elapsedS * 1000;
   elapsedH = Math.floor(remaining / 10);
   if (elapsedHours < 10) {
      hours = "0" + elapsedHours.toString();
   else {
      hours = elapsedHours.toString();
   } // end if
   if (elapsedM < 10) {
      minutes = "0" + elapsedM.toString();
   else {
      minutes = elapsedM.toString();
   } // end if
   if (elapsedS < 10) {
      seconds = "0" + elapsedS.toString();
   else {
      seconds = elapsedS.toString();
   } // end if
   if (elapsedH < 10) {
      hundredths = "0" + elapsedH.toString();
   else {
      hundredths = elapsedH.toString();
   } // end if
 _root.timer_txt = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds + ":" + hundredths;

};[/COLOR]Any help would be much appreciated.