Simple using xml + actionscript?

Simple problem, simple player.
Currently I am using an mp3 player tutorial produced by the gurusnetwork, and while it is nice, its terribly complex and not as aesthetic for my site’s “minimalist” needs. So what I have done is created the basic format and a dynamic text box where I load my playlist from my stream into using xml and a simple stop and play button, curtesy of kirupa’s very helpful tutorials. However this is my dilema. And this maybe very simple, but I cant find my way through it using simple trial and error. Now that I have this dynamic text box, I am having a hard time writing the code for the xml to pull up random songs from my root folder and playing them, and simutaneously displaying them in this text box. my code is as follows:

<?xml version=“1.0” ?>
<song display=“Original Bedroom Rockers” url=“kndoriginal.mp3” />
<song display=“Everything I Do” url=“Everything_I_Do.m4p” />


Its simple. But bridging the gap is not. My player is basically this- Now Playing: “dynamic text box here” “Start/Stop” button here. I cant figure out how to make a songs load randomly into the start stop player, and have the dynamic text load those corresponding songs. And no, the text doesnt have to move or anything, just display what is being played. Anyway thats all I can think of atm. Any help would be great!
Thanks guys