I am looking for a very simple website (meaning the design does not need to be very intensive). Here is the plan:
I will offer a question each week. People could log on, answer the question. if they get it right, they get a point. if they get it wrong, they have to wait until the next week to try again. The site, would keep track of the peoples points. So, I could easily view how people are doing.
I thought this type of site seems very simple, so I wanted to know someone would build this for free (something they could put on their portfolio)
I dont really know how to do this. do you need to create a database that will store the information? If so, do I need my own personal server to support the database (im not sure exactly how this works)? Also, how long would it take until this is completed?
As I said, I dont know how to do this, so im not sure if this is something that is too much work to be doen for free. let me know
Thank you.