I’m new to flash and it seems I may be an idiot too!
This is all I want to accomplish. I have three simple round buttons on the stage, its not a menu per se, its just buttons. Instead of doing the getURL to link to a webpage I would like to use a separate XML file to set the urls for each button. I don’t need to change the text on the button so I don’t need to use a dynamic text field, I don’t need to add different buttons later, all I have is the 3 buttons. And all I want is to be able to change the link without needing to edit the flash file, just the xml.
I’ve tried searching and apparently you can’t search for “xml” because it’s too common or too short to search for. I’ve gone thru and have done a few tutorials, I can load the xml file and create a dynamic menu, I just can’t figure out how to change things around in those tutorials to do what I want. (thats where I’m an idiot part comes in)
This should probably be simple for someone who has a working brain, unlike me, so if you know how, help a brotha’ out will you! And please explain it like I’m 5 years old (“put this on your buttons, put this in your xml file”).
Thanks so much.