SimpleZSorter and making a cube

Hi! I’m doing my first 3D experiments. I’m trying to build a spinning cube without Papervision.
I’ve got 6 mc (200x200), (A,B,C,D,E,F), and a container Sprite, registered in the stage center.
2 problems:

  1. Perspective seems not to be centered.

  2. When spinning, even if I sort z using the SimpleZSorter class by Ralph Hauwert, the faces not behave properly.

Take a look, just experimenting with only 2 faces for now:

Any idea? What am I doing wrong?

Here’s the code:


import com.theflashblog.fp10.SimpleZSorter;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.geom.Point;

// B
// E
// F

var cube = new Sprite();
cube.x = Math.ceil(stage.stageWidth/2)/*-cube.width/2*/;
cube.y = Math.ceil(stage.stageHeight/2)/*-cube.height/2*/;

var A = new sideA();
var B = new sideB();
var C = new sideC();
var D = new sideD();
var E = new sideE();
var F = new sideF();

//the faces are 200x200 in size, 
//and I want the cube spin around its center

D.x = 100;
D.y = -100;
D.z = -100;
D.rotationY = -90;

C.x = -100;
C.y = -100;
C.z = 100;
C.rotationY = 90;


stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, manageSpin);
var spinning = false;

function manageSpin(e){
		removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, spin);
		spinning = false;
	} else {
		addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, spin);
		spinning = true;

function spin(e){