Simplify XML AS3 Code


I have to repeat the follow code 4x5 times currently…

t_factor = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).pduration.pfactor;
t_base = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).pduration.pbase;
t_min = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).pduration.pmin;
t_start = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).pduration.pstart;
t_end = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).pduration.pend;

I’m trying to do the following:

var myArray_1:Array = new Array(“pduration”, “poutfit”, “pbackground”, “ppax”);
var i:int = 0;

for (i=0; i<4; i++)
t_factor = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).myArray_1*.pfactor;
t_base = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).myArray_1*.pbase;
t_min = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).myArray_1*.pmin;
t_start = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).myArray_1*.pstart;
t_end = rc_xml.p.rc.(@id == t_type).myArray_1*.pend;

PROBLEM is that Flash won’t accept the VARIABLE myArray* in place of the element name?

Can someone please advise :wink:
