Hi everyone!
i am currently going through some tutorials concerning the movement of Movie Clip in a 3d space by creating the illusion. Its fine but i have an fla file written in AS1 and using flash player 1. if i change it to flash player 9 and AS2 it does not work. They are using MovieClip.prototype.functionname = function(), may be this is the problem. What does it mean by prototype, cant get clear answer about that??
That fla explain the rotation on x y and z axis as well as zooming in and out and this is what i want to achieve!
Can anyone help me please !?
Thanks for any help,
some functions become defunct between versions I guess that is what is happening
there are tuts on this site’s main page about 3d in flash
Thanks for your reply again randomagain.
But which site should i go to?? cant see any link on ur reply
this site… the one you are posting in… if you remove /forum, you get kirupa.com and click the flash tutorials section
I went already through half of the tutorial, getting into panning now. But i have this fla that has been coded in AS1 and uses flash player 5. I have done some research about prototype and i still cant make it work for AS2 flash player 9. There is one tutorial that says that i must use “this” keyword in front of the variables. But it still does not work… do you know what should i use… Because once i understand that piece of code in that fla i can pretty much do whatever i need to achieve.
Thanks again for ur quick reply
Sorry randomagain, i might sound as an idiot but i am very confused now.
I have gone through your links, but i’m still confused. Do i have now to create an external class and use # include …
How can i get rid of those .prototype stuff.