Sinf Pom..can you think of an easier way to do this?

I have this animation. Click on the hand and then its spins around with the mouse, and then if you click again it lets go. I was wondering if there was an easier way that I missed

<embed src=“” height=250 width=250></embed>

here’s the code on the hand…

onClipEvent (load) {
nStop = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
nXmouse = _root._xmouse-_x;
nYmouse = _root._ymouse-_y;
Radius = Math.sqrt((nXmousenXmouse)+(nYmousenYmouse));
nAngle = Math.asin(nYmouse/Radius);
if (_root._xmouse<_x) {
nRadian = (-nAngle180/Math.PI);
if (nDrag == true) {
_rotation = nRadian-90;
} else {
nRadian = (nAngle
if (nDrag == true) {
_rotation = nRadian+90;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) {
nDrag = true;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
if (nStop == 2) {
nDrag = false;
nStop = 0;

try this:

fewer lines of code means less to debug!

well jesus…i guess so…thanks sinf…

edit the movieclip itself then move the bottom part of the hand to the crosshair in the middle. now when you do a _rotation script, it’ll rotate around the bottom part of that hand. you don’t really need all the math.