Single array or multiple arrays?

Hello, does anyone know what’s better for performance, a single array controlling most events or multiple arrays for each different event? In a game I’m making I have 2 arrays, one controlling the fire and one controlling the particles (falling debris etc), here’s an example of the code so far:

Fire array

for (var XXX=0; XXX<array_fire.length; XXX++)
    if (array_fire[XXX].removal >= 40)
        array_fire[XXX].y -=  2;

Particle array

for (var XXX=0; XXX<array_physics.length; XXX++)
    array_physics[XXX].y +=  array_physics[XXX].y_speed / 10;
    array_physics[XXX].x +=  array_physics[XXX].x_speed;
    if (array_physics[XXX].y <= 1000)

As far as I’m aware a single array would be better to minimize memory usage but I don’t know if a single array is better to ensure the best performance.

Thank you for reading and thanks for your input :slight_smile: