Coming from a person who is still learning flash, your site looks great. I’m not too crazy with the colors, but it you want that way that’s cool. I like the layout and scrolls. I’m sure you’ll come around to making a final product that looks great. Keep up the great work!
On second thoughts I like the site alot. The longer you’re on the site the more it grows on you. I love your work, it’s brilliant. One thing maybe you could change is instead of using the word ‘Pixel’ for the raster/bitmap images you might use either Raster or Bitmap.
BTW: This is my favourite piece out of your work.
Ok …well after some reviews and input I decided that the site wasnt really speakin the way I would like it to so i did a major graphics overhaul! Most of the animation is the same but the new graphics give an entirely new look. Thx for spotting the typo Guinness. Didnt need that floating around. So check it out again and let me know what you think.
Wow, much better! The background and everything made a big difference. I still liked the rotten tree in the content background, but that looks good too! Whatever you did to the intro looks impressive as well!
With the big change, you could possibly use to change up the splash page to match a bit.
ya i need to do something more with the splash… im just not sure what as of yet… I agree though it needs to reflect more on the main site