The main page for the site is Flash and the secondary pages are HTML. I appreciate any feedback anyone can give me. Or any help anyone can give me in making it so the intro doen’t have to be viewed each time the browser’s back button is pressed from one of the secondary pages. If you use the back button on the pages, this will not happen. Is there a way to take control of the browser’s back button and tell it where to go when pressed?
It’s a bit strange to me as to why you have a flash layout, but your content loads in seperate HTML pages. It defeats the purpose of the flash layout you have. Your site still needs major work, what you have now isn’t professional looking. As I go through the sections, it’s like I’m going to a new site, there is no consistency with your color scheme or your theme. I think you should pre-plan things out next time before you create a website.
Thanks for the feedback. Actually, the entire site was Flash until I realized that the browser’s back button would take you to the last site you visited, rather than the last frame you viewed in the .swf file. Of course if someone viewing the website used only the buttons on the website, this would not be a problem, but I think your average user depends almost soley on the browser’s back button.
As for the look of it, the .html pages are the content pages from when the entire site was .html and it did all have one look, as it will again once I get these issues resolved.
My main concern is that when someone visits the site they can freely use the buttons on the site or on thier browser and not have to have an understanding of Flash to know how to navigate the site.
Thanks alot for the feedback. And your right, Navigation is an issue. I’m working on fixing that right now, but it’s important that the site stays up in the meantime, so at least there’s something for potential customers to look at.
Thanks again for taking the time to look at it!