Hey there.
I’ve been browsing around here at Kirupa.com for a while now and have found it incredibly helpful, now I’m just hoping that someone here can help me bring my site design to life!
I want to design a site which essentially is a horizontal scrolling set of pages. In the example below, I have split it up into 4 “pages”
[img src=“www.themadcapsulemarkets.co.uk/misc/site/diag1.gif”]
In the above, the user can only see “page 1”, the other “pages” are off screen and not in sight.
Now, the bit that I am having trouble working out how to do is this, when the user clicks a link, say, for example, for “page 3”, the user will see “page 1” slide off to the left, watch “page 2” zip past and then it will come to rest on “page 3”
[img src=“www.themadcapsulemarkets.co.uk/misc/site/diag2.gif”]
Now, I know I could do this with a motion-tween fairly easily, but there is also going to be content on the pages (text-boxes, slide shows, etc - each page different).
Does anyone have any ideas or examples for how this can be implemented before I start working on it?
Any replies will be greatly appreciated!