Site of the Week (July 12 - July 19)

xscape is dynamite too - god so much talent

Its supposed to mean is that theres only 10 entries, it seems to be a hard concept to grasp for some. :wink: Please read the rules before posting. oahu_surfa, johngo32, amm220, eon-4,seanmee, submit your sites for next weeks competetion, this week was filled before your posts.

please dont say something like “i know it might be a hard concept to grasp” that is very patronising and we do understand - this was merely a conversation that was held amongst members discussing other member’s sites - we were not putting sites forward.

uuhh i dont think he was talking about you.

oh fair enough

7) No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check. However, mod critiques will be posted when a winner has been selected.

That one is for you though :stuck_out_tongue:

I have not asked for a critique of one of my sites, I haven’t sent one in???

“I have not asked for a critique of one of my sites, I haven’t sent one in???”

ummm… yah u have… with saying I like this site or I think that this site is cool.

no, rule 7 says that a person should not send in a site asking for opinions - I did not do this.

oh nvm then :)… sorry didn’t read the rule right1


This isn’t a debate forum but the rule says…
No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread.

Meaning: this isn’t a critique forum. It is meant for 11 posts only. One for K-Man to set it up and 10 people to submit. If you want to critique a site take it to the showcase forum.

After the voting, the results are as follows:

octoc 0%
finksmart 0%
greg 0%
faridur 0%
khamstra 0%
3d nirvana 0%
**[size=4]goodslice 100.00%[/size]
**necrosis 0%
federicolupo 0%
webtoaster 0%

Congratulations to **goodslice **for winning this week’s SOTW! You will be featured on the main page of for this week. You may also post a graphical award from this page:

Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Mod critiques will be posted shortly.

Kirupa :cons:

Cool site, not much wrong with it really. nice layout idea, type is clear and animation are quick and smooth. nice job.

i had some loading problems with this site, it just seems to take long to load up the splash page and then content within the site. layout is simple and so is the buttons and mouse over effects on the buttons, i dont like the colour of the container for the navigation (whats that green part? looks out of place) and i dont like the colour for the bar on the mouse over effects, i think that green part kinda kills this as well. Music did not match the site and while the images look beautiful, i didnt like how you hide your information. Too much effort for the user to find important information. With all that said I love the transitional effect on the images between sections.

popup = nasty, never been a fan-of popup websites, although design is very creative, nice art incoporated with the layout but tends to be a little messy at times, content is nice, i like the illustrations and i like the nav (min and max version) but i dont like the yellow bar used with the nav and the animation to go along with that, looks cheap. floating windows in some of the sections kill the layout and i like when its more structured like the illustration section.

no comment- to be eligable for sotw you need to have at least 50 percent flash incoporated within your site.

Your site seems like a rip of You both use the same CSS files ([url=“”] and ([url=“”], and your meta keywords includes a few terms beyond what alistapart has done.

Congrats on stealing someone’s work. Somebody must be very proud of you.

Nice flash work incoporated within the html page. Very informative, a nice layout , colour scheme work and looks great, nice site.

i can see you have updated some of the parts of your website from last time, the font style still dosent work and why is the text in profile all the way to the left with nothing to the right?.

i see you have left justified your type (all in line to the left) in your latest updates page but you havent done it in your profile page? why is that?

i dont really like the sounds on your buttons and i have no idea why you still have decided to keep that menu where the main buttons disappear, navigation should be easy to get to, i dont want to click twice to get to another section. also the animation error still occurs when you press the back button (seems like site restarts). background pic is ok, but does not really go together with the site well.

good slice:
very cool site, love the logo, i was about to start complaining about the hidden aspect of your main navigation until i saw that open quick menu, so all is forgiven :stuck_out_tongue:
I really like the design feel to this site, simple and well thought out. The intro was new to me and looks great, the mouse overs are sharp and the sounds is just right. the content is neat and so is the transitions to it. Nice site.

Oh and just noticed that when i visited your site again the background image was different, doing this 5-6 times it seems that you have 5 images random for the background image, nice touch… well done.

a nice techy site. interface looks great, and content is not too bad within the site. the images look great and work well but i kinda dont agree with the font used for the main navigation. looks a little stretched to me. Site is pretty much simple and straight forward, informative and cool to look at.

fresh looking site, not sure about that dude flying turning into a bird (that was poser right?) im not a fan of poser and im glad you only used it for the intro. Site colours are cool and work well, interface is smart and easy to access. images and content within the site are clean and smartly positioned, music is cool too.

a overall nice site ,if only i could understand that language, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

site is ok, images used look alright though some of the images cover the audio buttons which i think shouldnt happen. text and some of the graphics are a little rough around the edges and its kinda has a overall low funding, cheap movie feel to it.