Iv just follwed page 1 of the tutorial for using flash with php and mysql, iv follwed the tutorial exactly how it tells me to and it doesnt seem to be working. Has anybody else had problems like this aswell or is it just me?
thanks for getting back 2 me, and sorry 4 taking so long 2 reply.
Iv had a look at that site and it looks very useful, but a little 2 advanced for what im after. Im after a basic tutorial on outputting variables through flash from php pages. The link has alot of tutorials but they are far 2 advanced for me at the moment.
Does anybody know of any other basic tutorials for flash & php?
gotoAndBuy(quickly as Friends of ED are bankrupt!):
“Foundation PHP for Flash”!
Has thaught me all my far to little PHP knowledge.
I can throw something together for you if you tell me exactly what you want…
Basically, whatever variable is on the timeline you call the php from gets send out (GET or POST) to the script,
and is then available in PHP as $sameVarName
(note PHP is case sensitive with variable names: var is different from Var or VAR !!; actionscript is not making any difference!)
and whatever you want to send to flash as a variable, you just go in your PHP as
echo $varname=value/content;
yeah iv actually got a copy of that book on order wiv someone at the moment, but the delivery time is about 4 weeks!!! While i was waiting for that i wanted to make a start on learning the stuff to help me get through it a bit more.