Haha, awesome
rofl. What a wicked game.
um, is there any way to accelerate?
So basically you just hit the right arrow key over and over until you finally hit the wall? :h:
oh, you keep hitting right, and space to brake.
No, you tap the right key to gain speed, and you break using the spacebar to catapult the err … what’s the name … chest onto the graveyard. The red area just before the wall is the ideal brake spot.
No i figured it out…
Hit spacebar before the wall and the casket flies over it into the cemetary. And try to get it to fly the furthest
[edit] Doh! Late again [/edit]
298.54m :-/
highs were like 700+
woh… 715.08m 's my best… this game is nuts
JAHAHAHA omg that was hilarious!
595…my hand hurts…lol
Im getting back to work.
btw: it works better for me if I press both the right key and the kight key on the num keyboard
haha cool
edit: beat my record
I got 609 meters. My finger hurts now, so I think it’s best for me to invent a battery powered clicking thing that you can stick on your keyboard instead
Oooh, I get it. 642.95 :beam:
HAHA look what ahppens when you drop the coffin right at the start…
LOL! I got 662 when I tried it again. I wonder how some of those people got those ungodly high scores. I keep hitting the wall even if I think I pressed Space before the wall
that helped me look like :crazy: for a while