Yea, I know it’s nothing compaired to VTS and the like, but hey, I tried. Tell my what you think. Oh, and sorry about the strange color, my scanner only picked up bits of the paper.
Can’t wait until I get a Wacom…Can’t wait until I get a Wacom…Can’t wait until I get a Wacom…
Don’t knock yourself. Edwin will tell you he has a lot of hours in practice, before he does what he does. It will come.
Nice job, I like the perspective. I wish I had experimented with charcoal way back when…
I’ll get around to it one of these days.
Keep it up, looking good…
Yes, that is good.
I have never worked with charcoal either :-\ I really want to though, I just need to pick up some charcoal pencils and a bigger sketch pad.
What is going on at the bottom of your pic? I see the top is the head of a bird, but what is the bottom?
I too can’t wait til I get a wacom, but that isn’t going to be for a loooooong looooong time
Thanks Rev
lol I didnt draw anything more, I can’t draw bodies worth beans. And Lost, you can get a cheap Wacom Graphire2 (small though) for US$88 if you look around.
Well even so, a Graphire 2 only costs 100, but I don’t have any money right now
I am not too good at bodies either, as I practiced I got better, but then I stopped drawing before I got a lot better.
$88 is a lot to some of us…
no sweat Lost, I can’t even afford hosting for a domain.
LOL, neither can I right now :-\
I got mine as a redirect URL.
yea but you have 8ball to host you right?
Yeah, he is a friend of mine that is letting me mooch space.
Nice. I’m gunna try to do that with PhotoAlchemy.
I wish you luck
How did you get a redirect url?
:edit: Nevermind, view source yields…
oh but wait, how did you get a .com forward for free?
you can’t get a .com URL for free
And don’t go with mydomain :-\
Go with if you are going to get a domain name.
ok, thats in your source you know.
Yes I know, was recommended to me by a friend, but I found out about registerfly here after I already paid for my subscription of the URL
Registerfly will save you much more money
I am going to switch there when more of my subscription is up (but not near the end, I don’t want to risk losing my domain name)
Hey, they use Redhat 7.2, I use 7.1 on my server (hehe yea I have one but its down, thats why I haven’t been on Kirupa since last tuesday)
<---------{Hint: notice the color of my Avitar’s hat…]
LOL, yeah, remember it reminded me of “Where in the world is Carmen SanDiego?”
Still does
lol yup
Man, I used to love that show… Way back when…