When you use the scrollbar component in Flash MX2004 they are white/offwhite, is there a easy way to skin them. I’ve seen tutorials on how to make your own but someone mentioned “just skin them yourself”.
Open the HaloTheme.fla in your ComponentFLA folder under flash mx 2004. Drag the ScrollBar assets MovieClip(UI Components2>MMDefault>ScrollBar) to your fla’s library. This will bring in all the symbols for the scrollbar into your library. Now all you need to do is change the graphics in each of the state movieclips. They are named something like, ScrollUpArrowUp, ScrollUpArrowDown, etc.
Depends on what you deem easy. But i think for the most part this is same as was with v1. Only you have to do the intial cross fla asset move to bring in the skin assets. Rest is straight forward.
In other words arcaRox, press F1 in flash.