Alright im new to flash and ive been teaching myself through trial and error and tutorials etc etc so im not down with all the lingo and my abilities are limited but i can only get better…
i know the basics but at the moment but i have a problem with shkipping out of a mov clip back onto a frame on the previous scene( gotoAndStop(“Scene 1”, “music”); )
…basically the movie plays and stops and you can then choice to return to the preivous screen on one of the buttons… you hit the button and the movie continues until the end when it hit a frame that has a action attached to it to send the playhead back to the scene it was originally on… but the mov instead of going to the previous scene just goes back to the begining of the movie… it happens when i preview the movie… but does work when i play it in the editing section by the “enable simple buttons” selection in control…why?
simple question i expect for some of you to answer… if you can help that would be good…