Slide Show next/previous button problems

Can someone give me the solution to making the nexta nd previous buttons work properly with this method of coding. I know it’s probly not the best way to do it but it’s the only way I know. For some reason when you click the next and previous buttons it goes where I want it but then it forgets where it’s at and jumps to different slides.

Here’s the code ( dont laugh ):

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import caurina.transitions.*;


        btnNext1.y = -215;
        btnNext2.y = -215;
        btnNext3.y = -215;
        btnNext4.y = -215;
        btnNext5.y = -215;
        btnPrev1.y = -215;
        btnPrev2.y = -215;
        btnPrev3.y = -215;
        btnPrev4.y = -215;
        btnPrev5.y = -215;

features.alpha = 0
features.x = 26.9


function startIn(){
        Tweener.addTween(features, { x:26.9 , alpha:1,time:.25, onComplete:featureimg1, transition:"easeOutExpo"});
        btnNext1.y = 215;        
        //btnNext1.y = -215;
        btnNext2.y = -215;
        btnNext3.y = -215;
        btnNext4.y = -215;
        btnNext5.y = -215;
        //btnPrev1.y = -215;
        btnPrev2.y = -215;
        btnPrev3.y = -215;
        btnPrev4.y = -215;
        btnPrev5.y = -215;

function featureimg1(){
        Tweener.addTween(features, { x:26.9 , alpha:1,time:.75, onComplete:timer1, transition:"easeInExpo"});
        btnNext1.y = 215;        
        //btnNext1.y = -215;
        btnNext2.y = -215;
        btnNext3.y = -215;
        btnNext4.y = -215;
        btnNext5.y = -215;
        btnPrev1.y = -215;
        btnPrev2.y = -215;
        btnPrev3.y = -215;
        btnPrev4.y = -215;
        btnPrev5.y = -215;

function timer1(){    
    Tweener.addTween(dummyTimer, {time:5, onComplete:featureimg2});

function featureimg2(){
    Tweener.addTween(features, { x:-992.6, alpha:1,time:.5, onComplete:timer2, transition:"easeOutExpo"});
        btnNext2.y = 215;        
        btnPrev2.y = 215;    
        btnNext1.y = -215;
        //btnNext2.y = -215;
        btnNext3.y = -215;
        btnNext4.y = -215;
        btnNext5.y = -215;
        btnPrev1.y = -215;
        //btnPrev2.y = -215;
        btnPrev3.y = -215;
        btnPrev4.y = -215;
        btnPrev5.y = -215;

function timer2(){    
    Tweener.addTween(dummyTimer, {time:5, onComplete:featureimg3});

function featureimg3(){
    Tweener.addTween(features, { x:-2012.4 , alpha:1,time:.5, onComplete:timer3, transition:"easeOutExpo"});
        btnNext3.y = 215;        
        btnPrev3.y = 215;    
        btnNext1.y = -215;
        btnNext2.y = -215;
        //btnNext3.y = -215;
        btnNext4.y = -215;
        btnNext5.y = -215;
        btnPrev1.y = -215;
        btnPrev2.y = -215;
        //btnPrev3.y = -215;
        btnPrev4.y = -215;
        btnPrev5.y = -215;

function timer3(){    
    Tweener.addTween(dummyTimer, {time:5, onComplete:featureimg4});

function featureimg4(){
    Tweener.addTween(features, { x:-3032.6 , alpha:1,time:.5, onComplete:timer4, transition:"easeOutExpo"});
        btnNext4.y = 215;        
        btnPrev4.y = 215;    
        btnNext1.y = -215;
        btnNext2.y = -215;
        btnNext3.y = -215;
        //btnNext4.y = -215;
        btnNext5.y = -215;
        btnPrev1.y = -215;
        btnPrev2.y = -215;
        btnPrev3.y = -215;
        //btnPrev4.y = -215;
        btnPrev5.y = -215;

function timer4(){    
    Tweener.addTween(dummyTimer, {time:5, onComplete:featureimg5});

function featureimg5(){
    Tweener.addTween(features, { x:-4052.4 , alpha:1,time:.5, onComplete:timer5, transition:"easeOutExpo"});
        btnPrev5.y = 215;    
        btnNext1.y = -215;
        btnNext2.y = -215;
        btnNext3.y = -215;
        btnNext4.y = -215;
        btnNext5.y = -215;
        btnPrev1.y = -215;
        btnPrev2.y = -215;
        btnPrev3.y = -215;
        btnPrev4.y = -215;
        //btnPrev5.y = -215;

function timer5(){    
    Tweener.addTween(dummyTimer, {time:5, onComplete:featureimg1});


btnNext1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featureNext1);
btnNext2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featureNext2);
btnNext3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featureNext3);
btnNext4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featureNext4);
//btnNext5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featureNext5);

function featureNext1(event:MouseEvent):void

function featureNext2(event:MouseEvent):void

function featureNext3(event:MouseEvent):void

function featureNext4(event:MouseEvent):void

/*function featureNext5(event:MouseEvent):void


//btnPrev1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePrev1);
btnPrev2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePrev2);
btnPrev3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePrev3);
btnPrev4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePrev4);
btnPrev5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePrev5);

/*function featurePrev1(event:MouseEvent):void
function featurePrev2(event:MouseEvent):void

function featurePrev3(event:MouseEvent):void

function featurePrev4(event:MouseEvent):void

function featurePrev5(event:MouseEvent):void


features.featureItem1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePage1);
features.featureItem2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePage2);
features.featureItem3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePage3);
features.featureItem4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePage4);
features.featureItem5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, featurePage5);

function featurePage1(event:MouseEvent):void
var adobeURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("location.html");
navigateToURL(adobeURL, "_self");

function featurePage2(event:MouseEvent):void
var adobeURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("discover.html");
navigateToURL(adobeURL, "_self");

function featurePage3(event:MouseEvent):void
var adobeURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("live.html");
navigateToURL(adobeURL, "_self");

function featurePage4(event:MouseEvent):void
var adobeURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("shop.html");
navigateToURL(adobeURL, "_self");

function featurePage5(event:MouseEvent):void
var adobeURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("work.html");
navigateToURL(adobeURL, "_self");

features.featureItem1.buttonMode = true;
features.featureItem2.buttonMode = true;
features.featureItem3.buttonMode = true;
features.featureItem4.buttonMode = true;
features.featureItem5.buttonMode = true;

/*btnNext1.buttonMode = true;
btnNext2.buttonMode = true;
btnNext3.buttonMode = true;
btnNext4.buttonMode = true;
btnNext5.buttonMode = true;

btnPrev1.buttonMode = true;
btnPrev2.buttonMode = true;
btnPrev3.buttonMode = true;
btnPrev4.buttonMode = true;
btnPrev5.buttonMode = true;*/