Slide show

ok i have found a html immage slide show feature in front page (under web component - then banner ad manager. now the problem is i am not sure on how to make it work. here is the code[

    <applet code="fprotate.class" codebase="url here" width="390" height="111">
      <param name="time" value="5">
      <param name="rotatoreffect" value="dissolve">
      <param name="image1" valuetype="ref" value="pic 1">
      <param name="image2" valuetype="ref" value="pic 2">
      <param name="image3" valuetype="ref" value="pic 3">
      <param name="image4" valuetype="ref" value="pic 4">

i can never get the code to show up. so just click on ‘quote’ to see the coding. now where it says code base thats where i am having trouble. what can i do to get this up and running smoothly i know this is a stupid question but i am stuck.
thanks in advance.<:}

never mind i got it to work=)