

I’m trying to create a variation on the slidepuzzle. When certain areas are uncovered (when set coordinations are not used) you win.

here’s what i got so far:

var otherBlocks:Array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];

mcsubmit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkWin);

function checkWin(event:MouseEvent){
//if x = 150, y = 150 not used you win)
	if (x = 150, y = 150 && x = 250, y =250)
		trace ("you win");
		trace ("wrong");

function movement(event:MouseEvent){
	//remove currentblock from array.
	if (event.currentTarget.x += 100 || event.currentTarget.x -=100 || event.currentTarget.y += 100 || event.currentTarget.y -= 100 == y.[otherBlocks] 
	&&|| x.[otherBlocks]){
	else(){event.currentTarget.y += 100 || event.currentTarget.y -= 100 || event.currentTarget.x +=100 || event.currentTarget.x -=100 }
	//depending which position is available you slide there.
	//return new coordinates and start loop again with new coordinates.

mcBlock1.Array[1].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, movement);
mcBlock2.Array[2].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, movement);
mcBlock3.Array[3].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, movement);

I’ll appreciate any help or tips on this.