Slider menu won't work after loaded from external swf

Hi, I have a small .swf file which has an action script to slide several movie clips on them (move up and down in a desired speed when pressed from button) and it work just fine.
then I have the main .swf page which has a button to load the small .swf into it, after I load it into a specific area(“container”), the small .swf will be loaded but the sliding movie clips won’t work anymore, any solution?

********** the action script for small .swf is

if (Number(/one:_y)<Number(/:destination)) {
speed = (/:destination-/one:_y)/3;
setProperty ("/one", _y, Number(/one:_y)+Number(speed));
} else {
speed = (/one:_y-/:destination)/3;
setProperty ("/one", _y, /one:_y-speed);
setProperty ("/two", _y, Number(/one:_y)+250);
setProperty ("/three", _y, Number(/two:_y)+250);
setProperty ("/four", _y, Number(/three:_y)+250);

***and i have some button actionscript too:
button 1 action script:

one.onPress = function () {
destination = 150;

two.onPress = function () {
destination = 250;

************** and the action script for big .swf to call the small .swf is (note: member.swf = small .swf file)

member.onPress = function(){
loadMovie(“member.swf”, “memberc”);
memberc._x = 235 ;
memberc._y = 130 ;