Slider too "Advanced"? Or me jus STUPID?

OK.When it comes to AS I’m just a noob. So I would like to ask for any help I can get here.

So I have this slider, and if have 5 MC, so when I rollover it, the slider will open and show information on the products or what. This is a MC with animation and a big "stage size"invisible button(button1) on it. So now I am stuck at here because I have another small button(button2) ontop of the big button. But for button 1 when rollover and rollout of it, it will play a animation, so what should I do to make it like when I rollover button2 the button1 animation will not play the animation? And for the root 5MC because I have different animation then should I use 5 individual script to control it? Cause the script I have now is from some where else using few functions to control every MC without animation, and I’ve tried few days trying and doing research and it doesnt seems to help much.

If you are interested in helping you may dowload the fla to see hows the script runs.

my file seems to exceed the allowed size -.- so you can download it at