Well recently my computer was acting up, it slowing quite a bit, and the boot times were getting unbarable. So I backed the stuff I needed, formated and reinstalled windows. And ever since it has been slower than I have ever had it in the past, even before I installed anything I had enough time to make myself some cerial and finish it before it had finished booting. So I tried formatting again and re-installing windows but it still continued. Now That Ive installed all the drivers, and programs I needed (like opera and flash and a firewall and stuff like that), its has become unbarable to use this computer.
The boot times isn’t the worst bit though, every 30 seconds or so the whole thing freezes for another about 20 seconds. Also it freezes whenever I open a program, or sometimes evern rightclick! It happens whenever I open a new page in opera, its just getting rediculous. Ive done 2 virus and spyware scans, disabled every item that loads when windows starts exept the firewall. But its still too slow to use.
Its an OK pc, with 1gb of ram and 2.5GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor, so I really don’t understand whats doing this.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.