Smooth tweening?

hi, same old problem in that what should be simple is proving to be difficult…

i just want to move a rectangular bar across the stage from left to right… place it off screen in frame one and off to the right in 20. apply motion tween… 12 fps…

however, the bar doesnt move cleanly like it should… it seems to be splitting in three. yes i did the artwork originally in pshop and then tried ill and in flash itself… but the problem remains…

what should i be doing to prevent this…

if kitiara is out there i though you might be able to help me here…


What is the bar an image of?

did you import it as a single bar graphic, or as three pieces of a graphic, which you placed together in Flash?

what do you mean that they are separating? Is it transparent between the peices? Are they even segments of the whole?

any other info would be helpful as well… those are just the questions that pop to mind off the bat.

hi david…

the bar is just a block colour… one graphic 500px x 15px… imported as one graphic.

the effect is hard to describe… like flickering… the whole bar doesnt seem to be moving in unison…


Hey there.

I think I might know what’s going on, but can you send me your .fla, and I can see exactly what the thing is / isn’t doing? Mail it to me at and I’ll take a peek.

Flattered that you thought of me. :slight_smile:

I can’t tell off the bat what’s wrong… but I can say that you’ll get much lower file sizes if you create blocks of color in Flash rather than in an external program.

flickering I usually associate with something containing blank frames on it’s timeline… but I’ll let Kit handle that, as she’s probebly already got the file by now.

Good luck/

Right, I’ve had a look at your .fla, and basically there’s nothing wrong with it as such. You’ve done the tween right, and your object is a Flash drawn fill, so that’s good too.

The reason it’s flickering the way it is, is because the tween is moving a large distance over a relatively short period of time (just over a second, I think).

As a bit of explanation, when you create a tween, you specify the start and the end states, and Flash fills in the gaps in between, breaking up the tween into stages, but running them together. It saves you doing a frame-by-frame tween, in effect. When the tween is run, your eye also helps to smooth out the motion, filling in more gaps. But when you cover a long distance in a short time, the stages will be further apart, and therefore more jerky, and Flash and your eyes can’t fully compensate for this, so you see ‘flickering’.

As far as I can work out, the only thing that reduces the flicker is to make the tween last longer ie:cover more frames. Perhaps if you made it longer, but then ran the movie at a higher frame rate per second?

yeah thats what i was going to sugest…longer animation higher frame rate…hehe oh well :slight_smile: