SMS returns

One of my clients wants me to put an SMS interface in the website. I’ve done a lot of searching everywhere but couldn;t find any good sources on how to implement it. Can anybody help me please?

We played with this about 2 years ago. If you get on the Enterprise Manager for your SMS server’s SQL server, you’ll see a database that looks something like SMS_000 where 000 is your SMS site number. Browse around on the tables in there, and you’ll see a table with your computer names in it, another with hardware data, etc. If I remember right, in that computer names table, SMS has an ID column which ties a unique integer number to each computer. Then if you look at your hardware and software data tables, they have that ID # to represent each particular computer.

If you’re good with SQL, you can write some pretty fancy join queries and get some fairly simple data sets back.

Take a look at the Microsoft SQL server commands in the PHP reference for tying into MSSQL server with php…

whaaaa?? lol, I was talking about the sms text messaging stuff. I don’t get what you’re talking about. Whatever it is, sounds interesting… too bad i dont know how it works. Thanks anyways :slight_smile:

Doh! I:-) I can’t help ya there… Microsoft makes something called Systems Management Server for use on big corporate networks for hardware and software inventory. Friggin complicated and buggy piece of software. Good luck with your SMS! :azn:

Haha, its cool. Thanx anyways :slight_smile:

in the ‘Free stuff’ section at, there’s a PHP sms thingy - I haven’t tried it, but it might work :slight_smile:

umm, i can’t find that section. Is it the right link?