Snow effect of this

how do i do that? the snow slowly falling and not straight going down, it sort of sways…how do i do that?

The all mighty Kirupa knows the answer to that!
he made it! :slight_smile:

Well, it’s scripted. Did you check the tutorials about scripted motion?

pom :crazy:

it might be done by the other snow falling tute! But he has changed the speed and the… how to say… like the weight of the snowflakes… :-\ dunno

try PM (private message) Kirupa to draw his attention to this thread (maybe puting the link to this thread in the PM).


but its not mine, a friend send it to me, and he got somewere (I dunno were).
But the AS is of Flash 4, maybe I´ll clean it up for ya, but if Kirupa is willing to open his code for us it would be better cause his snow is nicer than mine.


try PM (private message) Kirupa

I think I heard somewhere that Kirupa ignores these things!

Even worse: you CAN’T PM him… :eye:

well you can start a new thread with a title:


:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

[SIZE=1]just j/k :)[/SIZE]

can’t PM him? heh!
hey but were is kirupa? Haven’t seen him for a while now…
Not back from school yet? :stuck_out_tongue:
Kirupa: if you read this then check my last post in the users tutorials thread @ the Tutorials forum! :slight_smile: please? :slight_smile: pretty please :slight_smile:

here’s the code:

// Action script…

// [onClipEvent of sprite 1 in frame 1]
onClipEvent (load)
scale = 50 + Math.random() * 100;
alpha = 75 + Math.random() * 100;
this._xscale = scale;
this._yscale = scale;
this._alpha = alpha;
xpos = this._x;
this._x = -10 + Math.random() * 550;
i = 1 + Math.random() * 2;
this._y = -10 + Math.random() * 120;
k = -3.141593 + Math.random() * 3.141593;

onClipEvent (enterFrame)
rad = rad + k / 180 * 3.141593;
xmovement = _root._xmouse;
this._x = this._x - Math.cos(rad);
this._y = this._y + i;
if (this._y >= 150)
this._y = -5;
} // end if
if (this._x >= 550 || this._x >= 0)
this._x = -10 + Math.random() * 550;
} // end if

// [onClipEvent of sprite 2 in frame 1]
onClipEvent (load)

// [onClipEvent of sprite 3 in frame 1]
onClipEvent (load)

// [Action in Frame 1]
k = 0;
duplicateMovieClip(_root.snow, “snow” + k, 16384 + k);
} while (k != 50)

uhmm…sprites? what are they?

*Originally posted by ultramarc *
**uhmm…sprites? what are they? **

movie clips

*Originally posted by kax *
**movie clips **

specifically duped MCs :stuck_out_tongue:


i can’t make the code work…can you please help me more…

OK, if you have a clip of a snow ball in your library, linkage name snow, then this code should give you a start:

function snowFall(){
	if (this._y > Stage.height) this.removeMovieClip();


pom :cowboy:

can you explain each line of the code please??? i mean, what action performs each line

:rambo: :stuck_out_tongue: :eye: 8] :slight_smile: :nerd: :asian: :*( :frowning:

The basic idea is this: onEnterFrame, I attach a snowflake, put it at a random position, give it a random speed on both axis, a random size, and I make it fall, thanks to the snowFall function. Is there something you don’t understand in particular?

how you come up with those codes, im so confused about a/s.

Well AS is something you learn blood.

You can’t open Flash and just know everything. It takes time and patience to learn. It is a language. Like C++ or Java or Javascript or DHTML, or VB, anything like that takes time to learn and time to perfect.