Snowboard Design Vote

Okay guys, time to vote for the best Snowboard design!
Some didn’t quite get the rules, but it was just for fun anyway…

PaddyDuke, skunkycomics and sessiondesign has a top and a bottom design, so their name is between the designs.
Stirflux, vexir, SPAD3S and clueta did only have tops, so their name is on the right of the board.

Vote NOW! :slight_smile: You only got 30 days!

(sorry for the poor quality, but you can also see them in the “Snowboard Design Battle” thread.)

Id love to have that board made by PaddyDuke! :smiley:
great design!

How come mine isn’t there? :frowning:

paddy and session got my vote.

Paddyduke. :wink:

What’s with the jpg compression? Looks like something I’d do…

:stuck_out_tongue: I say check back through ur thread and restart the poll- U missed a few people!

There were manny good entries…

Darkmotion: Yours was a random one, you said so yourself so i didn’t include it… sorry.

evildrummer had like 3 different ones…

lol i said it was random but I didn’t say don’t include it :stuck_out_tongue: random as in its just got all this wierd stuff on it :stuck_out_tongue:

■■■■, i should have said mine was final…oh well:(
skunkycomics hss a nice style, but i have to vote paddy:)
paddy, that is one sweet board:thumb:

i’m sorry for the mix up guys… (got confused about your random darkmotion) In my defense: it was my first battle ever… :blush:

Since I was a competitor I voted for everyone to see the poll results. Just in case any mods think I voted for myself. :slight_smile:

Good battle, folks.

YAY!! none of my boards are being voted on:D lol, its my fault for entering so many, i just kept getting bored.

I voted for SPAD3S and stirflux

:frowning: Include me nexttime :slight_smile:

I voted for Paddy and session :thumb: great work everyone

if only i’d have checked this earlier… ■■■■

Haha Thanks Kiwee!LOL

i feel i shouldve done such a better job lol mine is simple and cool :slight_smile:
so next session make a uh… car design battle

cars"fast" ,or motobikes. or skateboards or wake boards lmao,
or boats or somthing like dat:lol:

yeah :stuck_out_tongue: but 2nd prize would have been close :slight_smile:

What are those things?

I voted for PaddyDuke even though I despise those *things *:stuck_out_tongue: