So i got pulled over this morning

I was at a stop light…the first one in the left turn lane. Light turned green all the sudden i heard sirens and a cop behind me honking his horn. I wasn’t going to cause a freakin’ car accident to pull over to my right…so i had to make the left turn and stop at a gas station.

he got out of his car and started yelling at me!

“why didn’t you pull over to your right? did u not hear my horn? my sirens? did you not study your driving manuel?”

■■■■! …i said " how was i supposed to cross 3 lanes to pull over ? and cause a traffic hazard?" i had to take the left turn…"

then i gave him my license & i was still fishing for my insurance card…and he said “when you find it bring it to my car”.

wtf?? for real? i’ve nevr heard that b4!(i ws thinking this)

i think he just wanted to check me out hahaha

$200.00 for an expired inspection tag yo!
& i told him it was my sistrs car & (the tag expird last month)
have ya;ll evr heard of that? bring your ins. card to my car?