So Many Problems

Where to even start. My new website

I need help. Lots of help i think. It seems as if nothing is working as it should. I can’t get my pictures to load into the movie clip from the xml file is probably the biggest problem i’m having. It loads the text just not the pictures.

I could really use some help with this guys. My .fla is too big to attach and all the webhosting domains are filtered out of my network our here in Iraq but if anybody wants to see my .fla i’d be more than happy to e-mail it or if somebody volunteered to host it that would be awesome also.

This is a small piece of my xml file as it’s way way too big to post.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <image> home.jpg</image>
        <caption>One last picture together for the next 5 months.</caption>
        <link> home.jpg</link>
        <caption>DIGS shop, Iraq 06-07.</caption>
        <image> home2.jpg</image>
        <caption>After saying goodbye to loved ones and sitting in a holding room for 5 hours its finally time to board the plane.</caption>
        <link> home2.jpg</link>

Thanks in advance for any help, you guys are great and i know you’ll come through for me.