So simple so simple

Okay I’m having a stupid day… for some reason my library mc’s will not load into my empty mc postion when I click on the button that tells it to. Right now I am using the code

on (press) {
loadMovieNum(“twist1”, “loadtwist”);

twist1 being the mc and loadtwist being my empty mc? What is wrong here, it trys to load a new window and errors out… sorry but I know I’m screwin something up and I can’t find the answer. Sorry for this question guys.

loadMovieNum is for loading external .swfs into a level number. Sounds like you want attachMovie()

ohhhhh…hmmm :blush:

well we’re at it, why would I use the ‘newName’ variable in attachmovie?

senocular, what would be a better way of loading movies,
loadmovieNum or attachMovie, and why? thank you

different methods for different things.

loadMovieNum loads an external movie into a level.
attachMovie loads an object from the library of the movie.

right that i understand, i guees my question was really when would you use what. but now that i think about it, attach movie would be used when dealing with a small file. thanks for the input

oh! sorry… :stuck_out_tongue:

usually i use attachMovie when i need to create menus and such things. the initObject parameter makes things a lot easier. :wink:

other than that, i’d rather load the external .swf dynamically. =)

ahh ok thanks for clearing that up