Solving compiler error: Classes may only be defined in external ActionScript 2.0 clas

Hi everyone and thanks for reading my question. I have a class named Box. I want to display all the properties in Window->Output or CTRL+ENTER. I use actionscript 2.

I’m trying this code: (using for -in statement in a class)

class Box {
public static var maxWidth:Number = 250;
public static var maxHeight:Number = 250;

 // avec for on listes toutes les proprietes de la classe Box

// on liste les valeurs des dates membre de la classe Box avec for-in
for (var prop:String in Box) 
trace("propriete nom: " + prop);
trace("propriete valeur: " + Box[prop]);

I want to return this on pressing CTRL+ENTER: (my desired output)

propriete nom: maxHeight
propriete valeur: 250
property nom: maxWidth
property valeur: 250  

But I have this error on running my code:

     Classes may only be defined in external ActionScript 2.0 class scripts. 

I put for-in in the exterior of class Box but without result.

How can I correct my code to display the thing I want?

Also I have the same error on this dynamic class Box:

     dynamic class Box {
public var width:Number = 15;
public var height:Number = 15;

// Creation d'une instance
var b:Box = new Box( );
// ajout de la propriete dynamique de l'instance
b.newProp = "hello world";
// enumeration des proprietes
for (var prop in b) {
trace("propriete nom: " + prop);
trace("propriete valeur: " + b[prop]);

Desired output:

//propriete nom: newProp
//propriete valeur: hello world 

Error received in output :

     Classes may only be defined in external ActionScript 2.0 class scripts.

How can I correct my 2 codes to solve that conflicting error in this 2 cases?