Some Action Script

ive got a movie clip that is animated when u hover it and i want it to load a swf when click ive applied the following code but it doesnt seem to work can anyone make me a code that will work

[AS]button.onRollOut = function(){


// don't give a button an instance name of 'button'
myButton.onRollOver = function(){

oops lol i typed in the wrong code i put it like this [AS]button.onClick = function(){

}[/AS] and it dont work that other code i put means on hover but i want it when u click

and its not an actual button its a movie clip because movie clips are easyer to animate

there’s no such thing as onClick:

myButtonMC.onRelease = function(){

lol i feel stupid now thanks anyway :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by dangeta *
lol i feel stupid now
we all do at some point :stuck_out_tongue: =)

do u have msn messenger or any other kind of instant messenging software that i cud add u on if so send me ur address in a PM :beam: