Hello everyone,
I recently created my website in flash and everything was fine. Finished it all last night and uploaded it, it worked fine but i decided to test it on another browser (i had been testing it with firefox and there were no problems at all) so I opened the site in Internet Explorer.
The first problem was that i had to click to make the swf start to work, the second (and more important) problem was that certain buttons aren’t working.
I followed this tutorial to create my galleries: http://www.oman3d.com/tutorials/flash/portfolio_bc/
So when i roll over my thumbnails a preview is shown and when i click them a pop up with the full sized image opens. The weird thing is, only random buttons work. Some just don’t.
I don’t understand what the problem is, all of the buttons have the same script with the image variable changed, and all the images are stored in the same directory of my site…so surely they should all work in the same way…right??
Help me please, i’m at my wits end having worked 15 hours on this site yesterday and having such shoddy results for all that work!!