Some comments please

I need some comments on this site: (flash and html version)

I know that there is a lot of work to do.

:thumb: thanks to everyone

Well I won’t say much because you already know there’s a lot of work to be done.

First off, the concept is okay, but the design isn’t concrete or well executed. I don’t like your splash page very much. When I scroll down, your table overlaps the top image. Honestly, the design of the splash page needs work. That 3d block text isn’t too clean and looks a bit tacky.

As for your main layout, think about text consistency. You have different font sizes, you have dynamic and static text and on top of that, they’re blurry or missing.

^^ what he said pretty much! individually, both versions (HTML and Flash) are pretty cool, but I don’t think the designs of the two versions are as closely related as they should be. It would be quite easy for them to be completely different sites. I actually prefer the look of the HTMl version. You’ve got some nice animations in the Flash version, but some of the transitions are slow and it doesn’t feel quite… full… if you get what I mean!

as you said, you know there’s a lot to be done, but I really like what you’ve done with it so far… just needs a bit of refinement


well first of all, i bet 3some productions pulls in all the corporate clients…

id have to agree with those two…if i cant navigate…nobody can navigate…

umm…i think ill have to see more to formulate some comments, but as of right now, go with the html versions…its more usuable. oh and the bg color thing was cute.

The menu isn’t easy selecteble
and up the frame rate. it really looks static.

I found the splash page to be very ugly. It was a little hard to read and i jsut dont’ liek how the big pixel stuff looks. I thought the colors where alright but not to complementing. the menu was good though. Clear and easy to see where to enter both sites.

Your flash site looks like a nice start but seems to ahve nothign to do wiht Nice header and a pretty good color scheme.

The men usi to small and it is blury. If you wnat to have a micro menu get a micro font. The FPS on the menu animation seemd slow and chopy so you might wnat to speed that up a bit.

Your Photoshop croping work in the headr looks really good. I cnat’ see any jaggies. the PS image in the bottom right looks good too.

I need to see more to comment on much else.


The HTML site fits your splash page which is good. Menu is simple and laied out nicely. The colors seem to fit nice.

I’m not a big fan of the BG color change. It is kind of blinding as you scroll through them and only 1 or 2 of the colors actualy fit your site. I would really recomend a static color for the bg.

All and all i need to see the sites closer to compleation to properly review them. They seem liek really good starts and i hope you have them finished soon.:slight_smile: