Some troubles with Time Zones

Hello everyone! I’ve been trying to script a clock into this signature I made someone for a forum in Flash CS5 (using AS3) Prior to this, my experience with Flash has been doing mouse-over links, and I’m not fluent in any programming or scripting language whatsoever :frowning: The little I have learned has been from copy+pasting code and using trial and error, and a whole lot of Google. After searching for hours and hours fruitlessly today, and trying seemingly endless combinations of code, I come seeking some help from more experienced users.

What I’m trying to do with this clock is to have it always show PST, regardless of what time zone it is being viewed from. So far everything I’ve attempted has only shown the localhost time for the people I’ve had check it for me. (I’m in the designated Time Zone, so its a bit of a pain to tell if its working correctly on my own :stuck_out_tongue: ) I’m very new with it, so I’m afraid you may have to dumb down the explanations for me…any help is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time. :]

My current code is as follows:


var now = new Date();
var hours = now.getUTCHours;
var minutes = now.getUTCMinutes;
var seconds = now.getUTCSeconds;
var GMToffset = -8;
var Time = (now + GMToffset);

        function updateDate(e:Event):void{
             Time = new Date();
             if (Time.hours< 10){
            Hours.text = "0" + Time.hours;
        else {
              Hours.text = Time.hours;
             if (Time.minutes< 10){
            Minutes.text = "0" + Time.minutes;
        else {
              Minutes.text = Time.minutes;
            if (Time.seconds< 10){
            Seconds.text = "0" + Time.seconds;
        else {
             Seconds.text = Time.seconds;