Someone Help Me!

Same here Eg.

we have alot of things going on with this computer. alot of people use it, alot of d/ling, and plus me on it 24-7-365;) :stuck_out_tongue:

I NeVeR defrag. Ever.

did i mention that i hate slow computers. i can never get done what i want with a slow computer.:block:

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**I NeVeR defrag. Ever. **

So um, how many computers have you bought this year? :beam:

or how many computers have you put your foot through. lol:geek:

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**xp doesn’t need to defrag… or so they say. …by they I mean people that sold me it. Thankyou, wonderful people at the Brick, for advertising 20 gigs and giving me 18. **

actually it’s best to follow EG and lost’s plan of once a month.
Both XP’s and 2000’s defrag tools are extremely powerful and
definitely work well. I highly recommend you spend some time
doing it each month.

[my MSCE 2000 says so ;)]


thankyou, fluxinator3000. I’ll try that out.

well, don’t take it like I’m telling you what to do, but honestly you
will notice a HUGE difference in load times, boot times, etc once
you’ve defrag’d. Especially after a month of heavy use, or never
at all, for that matter.



Yeah, system lag due to undefragging slowly creeps up on you so you don’t really see it coming. Kinda like how you don’t notice people growing taller because it is gradual.

Well once you defrag, you will remember what your system used to be like :stuck_out_tongue:


Sounds good. Love the footer.


Yeah man… seriously… I empty my temp folder about once a week and I defrag and system check once a month…

If you defrag too often… it’ll screw up the hard drive quicker though… All that moving of data and everything can hurt the little guy… :slight_smile: