Hey gals/guys
sorry about the bad title for this post, at the moment i'm so confused i don't even know what to call my problem!
First of all, I’m a noob to all this and I realise my way around things may be a little slower than using advanced action script but it’s the level I’m at for the moment, primative? yes, beyound me? no.
So here's the deal...
I’ve set up a main stage right! within this stage I want to populate some preplaced null mc’s with swfs [these will act as as a menu system].
EG. once i have, say "menu_1.swf" loaded into "option1null"
loadMovie("menu_1.swf", "option1null");
like so.
i want to be able to click on a button titled, say “load menu 2” which has been placed within the loaded “menu_1.swf” and subsequently load another [different] swf into another null mc on the mainstage.
So far I have tried:
loadMovie("menu_2.swf", "_parent.option2null");
loadMovie("menu_2.swf", "_parent._parent.option2null");
loadMovie("menu_2.swf", "_root.option2null");
loadMovie("menu_2.swf", "/option2null");
the above code being placed within the button titled “load menu 2” that I am clicking on which is in “menu_1.swf” loaded into “option1null” - hence my misguided [cause it don’t work] use of the parent and root functions [is that right-ish? :puzzle:]
[I figured i didn't need any root reference etc. on the menu_2.swf cause all my swf's are in the same dir. correct?]
I’m positive the answer is somewhere in these forums but because I don’t really know what I’m doing, I don’t know what to search for so… here i am.
cheers big time to all who take time out to lay eyes upon this.
P.S I hope i haven’t been too confusing, sorry if so.:-/