I realized that Flash Movies slow down due to loadVariablesNum if it constantly keeps on loading. What I mean is, lets say we have a dynamic text box variable called msg_data, this variable are the messages sent from people. We have 2 keyframes. Take a look at my sig chat. After entering your name this is what happens:
Keyframe 1: This is the frame the dynamic text box is in. The actionscript in this keyframe is:
[AS]loadVariablesNum(“http://www.whateverdomain.com/whateverfile.php”, 0);[/AS]
Keyframe 2: Keyframe 2 is just another keyframe added from 1. So keyframe 2 is the same thing as 1 except without the loadVariablesNum AS. But is does have:
[AS]gotoAndPlay(4);[/AS] Thus, there are 2 keyframes, that constantly go from one to another at 5 FPS. This causes the movie to go slow because it keeps on loading over and over. What’s the point of this? To load another persons message as soon as the person presses send. Is there a way to make it faster without having to keep on loading from a file over and over? Like, recieving the message as soon as the arrow on the message box is pressed?
- BTW, if you don’t understand what I’m saying, try out my signature and you’ll see that the message sending is very slow. Oh yea, the "whateverdomain.com/whateverfile.php, i’m not saying because I don’t want others to know the files.