Something's wrong with my masking

Hello, I’ve been up all night trying to figure out how to mask along with other stuff I saw on this site. Anyhow, I’m pretty sure it’s not my computer doing this, but when I’m going through with the unmasking thingy, it leaves a glitchy trail in a way, only when you go one direction too. There’s my .fla, if anyone can tell me what’s wrong with it, I’d be glad to take the criticism ^^

ahhh, my .fla is too big =( how can i get it on here?, post all my stuff as seperate files?

I dont quite get your problem. You need to be more specific.

Ok, the masking seems just fine, but when I’m testing it, my circle that unmasks the picture leaves a trail in a way, it’s like a glitch… hard to explain, any other way I could get my fla on here so u can see?

zip your fla file

there, i wasnt sure how many kb’s were 100,000 somethin byte, forgot everything, lol. and like i said, i’ve been up all night :frowning:


so all you have to do is change the fps? How do I know what to set it as?

Heya guys

I have a similar problem to this. I have checked out both of the files here & can see the difference in previewing the movie, but can’t actually find any differences in the .fla file…

What exactly has been changed here to remove the weird glitches?



the fps has changed from 12 (i think) to 50

Hmm, both the files I downloaded have a fps of 50, but one has the glitches and one does not…



eeek, i cant figure it either. Why u have to go and point it out, lol. Claudio, can you tell us what u did? The only difference I can find is the file sizes are slightly different

oh noooooo! Now, even when I edit the little revealer thingy, the glitch comes back! Can you explain how to fix it plz? Or, anyone that would?

Sorry for didnt explain that… The FPS doenst have anything to do with the glitches. I just edited your mask shape, and let some free space between the center ball and the outside balls.

so you can’t create something like that and expect it to work? =( anyhow, that explains y the circles wont get selected when i double click on the center ball, lol. Anyway, thanks.

The file isnt working as you wanted? :-\

oh, it is, just for future referrences. I cant have the smaller orbs closer to the big one?

I dont think so. Making them closer will give that weird glitch :-\

aww, that kinda bites… :frowning: anyhow, thank you for taking ur time :slight_smile:

No problem :slight_smile: