Sorry to haveta ask about transitions again!

I’ve searched all over the forums and the website but I just cant find a tutorial on transitions anymore. :*(
I know there was one here before, I think was written by Egeek?
Can someone please point me to the right direction?

Sorry… I know this question has been asked a lot but I just cant seem to find what I’m looking for.


Here you go, take your pic, enjoy. =)

well transition have to be unique, and really there aren’t any tutorials on them. there are however plenty of tutes on telltarget() and with(). by usinghtese functions you can tell a movie clip play when a button is click. the movie clip would be yur actual transition. let’s say a box opening an closing, and then your content appears.

code would be something like

just play around, be unique

ok well i guess i stand corrected, there aer tutes on them

hahah transitions have been asked 239472934792 times here so it’s pretty common. =)


hehe thanks eGeek & Digitalosophy!

edit: oh wait! I did search the forum eGeek. I got the same results but couldnt find that one tut you wrote before…I came across one of your replies but the link you had was broken.

what i do is use Kirupa tut on “full flash site” and between 2 .swf make the end of the first one match the start of the second one

i will post an example after i go to sleep

dory, I think this is the thread you’re looking for.