I’ve searched all over the forums and the website but I just cant find a tutorial on transitions anymore. :*(
I know there was one here before, I think was written by Egeek?
Can someone please point me to the right direction?
Sorry… I know this question has been asked a lot but I just cant seem to find what I’m looking for.
well transition have to be unique, and really there aren’t any tutorials on them. there are however plenty of tutes on telltarget() and with(). by usinghtese functions you can tell a movie clip play when a button is click. the movie clip would be yur actual transition. let’s say a box opening an closing, and then your content appears.
code would be something like
edit: oh wait! I did search the forum eGeek. I got the same results but couldnt find that one tut you wrote before…I came across one of your replies but the link you had was broken.