Hey there
i am trying to all the numbers within a xml group. to find the lowest lunber out of the lot.
I am think of using something like
or is there some kind of method for returning the lowest numerical value like sort.toLowest();
this is in flex so there might be a method to do something like this. anyone.
if not I am thinking of creating a function to pass the values to.
and compare each value to the lowest.
if lower then that becomes the new lowest.
XmlLength = results.data.length
for(i=0;i<XmlLength; i++){
finalLeast = lowest;
finalLeast = Newval;
return finalLeast;
the only bad news is i need to pass 3 xml data feeds to it.
and I need to return and different value per pass. I need to pass to the loop about 9 times.
ill have a think on it, but any epiphones would be well appriciated…