Sort XML list by attribute


I’ve been looking for ideas on how to do this… but every single one seems to have something that does not fit my purpose.

I have a XML list and this is a bit of my AS3 code:

var classList:XMLList = e.child("class").(attribute("day") == theday).(attribute("hour_ini") >= thehours);
for (var i:int = 0; i < classList.length(); i++)
    roomElement= classList*;
    _container = new container;
    _container.x = stage.stageWidth;
    _container.y = 200 + (i* 95);
, 1.5, {x: 45 + i % 2 * 45, alpha: 1, ease:Quint.easeOut, overwrite:false});
 = roomElement+ "<br />";

Everthing is working, now I just want to order my list by the attribute hour_ini.

Any ideas??