Hello everyone,\r\rWe are happy to announce our new submission to Kirupa for SOTW. This site was developed for a worldwide association of reknowned salon/spa owners. It currently features the organization’s summer collection release ‘ROSSO’.\r\rThe site features fully flash-based front-end architecture and flash based authentication module interfacing with to user database via php!\r\rPlease tell us what you think.\r\rSee it for yourself at www.intercoiffure.tv\r\rCreated201 Studios
VERY NICE, DESING!..\rhow ever, i sow tat menu, in another page, and it’s looks like the same… this is the page!\r\rwww.2methods.com/ \r\rJOSS
Thanks\r\rThe site navigation was inspired from 2methods and generic drop down menus in most operating systems.