...Soul in Pixel!

Heylo everyone! :beam: Its been a while since I did any pixel art. So I’ve done some :stuck_out_tongue: Not a big thing like the castle, just a mini-project… a mini-me! :beam:

I really wanted to work on my people, and something larger and more realistic than the smiley people we’ve all been doing :beam:

Here I am…

I’m really happy with it :beam: What you think?

  • Soul :s:

wow man that looks really good. and you dont need the 5th finger lol

Thanks mdipi :beam:


  • Soul :s:

lol, it looks good. but his fingers look more like a fork :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I like it though, how long did it take you to make?

keep up the good work.

Thanks alex, and shut up about the hands! They’re not that bad! :stuck_out_tongue: Do you know how hard hands are? :stuck_out_tongue:

It took about an hour :beam:

  • Soul :s:

i was only joking with you, :stuck_out_tongue:

This is crazy, nice…

Thank you :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

is your head really that large?

is say it becuase

I really wanted to work on my people, and something larger and more realistic


i persumed if this was more realistic then maybe your really was that large…

thats why i ask?

Its not that out of proportion lol :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

ah right…


Anyway do you like it? lol

  • Soul :s:

urm yeah its not that bad…

i arnt a fan of pixel people… the small ones are okay though

hey soul i have a question. How did u learn to make pixel people? Like what are you using in photoshop or whatever to make it?

I just kept doing it and practising, I’m using photoshop and just the pencil tool :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

he uses photoshop…

but for me and alot of other people they prefer to use MS paint… although the majority of people on these boards use photoshop…

[color=darkblue]Hey Soul, you mentioned something bigger like a castle before… What’s the link to that? I’d like to see it :)[/color]


here are the rest of the entries: