Soul is coming!

hmm, all the pizza I could eat :h:
that would make it impossible to move after ~1 month. I guess none of my pants would fit anymore, and I would get the shape of Pavarotti

Sorry… I’m west of Unflux and Senocular…

In PA :smiley:

And not that far west either :wink:

im in NY about ehhh 2/12 hours from pa, i think

sniff I wish I was in atlanta.
If you would have just come 2 years ago and then I would be in the airport too for like 12 seconds, and it would have been superbid. Superbid. :frowning:

Bah… Soul smoul… I’m waiting for Philbiterson to arrive in PA to meet me and sennie boy… :love:

Shhh… It’s a surprise… Silly!


whoa, looks like many ppl from u.k are travelling to u.s.a these days, even my gf has a flight to catch in couple of hours, she’s going to florida (2weeks vacations :frowning: i am gona miss her really bad) , anywya hope u have great time soul :thumb:

Soul, you lucky *******! :stuck_out_tongue:
Business or pleasure trip? :slight_smile:

“soul is coming” lol :wink:

how come you’re heading off to the states m8y? :slight_smile:

I used to live near Atlanta as rev mentioned. I live a good ways off now though :frowning:

I’m an hour outside Atlanta. But I’m not driving there this weekend. Take 1-85 South to exit 57, that’s where I am. If you’re in Atl, fun things to do include - Dave and Busters, Falcons game, and well everything else you could ever want to do. And you gotta eat at “the varsity”, true american food cooked by average americans :).



*Originally posted by Soul *
**Yup, I’m coming to america! :beam:

At some ungodly hour tomorrow (saturday) morning I’ll be flying over to Atlanta!

Does anyone here live there? Anyone fancy coming to see meeee? Kirupa? Phil? No? :frowning:


  • Soul :s: **

come to caleefornia! meet some big time movie stars here! (tours of the governer’s office starts soon :P)


whao, phil, you almost have 10,000 posts!

…with 18.48 the day :stuck_out_tongue: