Sound Actionscript Error


new to this forum. glad something is around to help newbies out.

ok, so heres my problem.

I have added sound to my animation using actionscript 2.0

When I click on the button to pause the song, I click it once:nothing, I click it again and then it stops.

When I then click the button to restart the music (from where it left off when I paused it) it starts again. I will then press stop (and it will stop) and press it again after that, and only then will it start playing from where I left off.

So here in a nutshell:
(Song automatically starts)
1st click: nothing
2nd click: stops music
3rd click: Music starts again, but from the beginning
4th Click: Music stops
5th Click: Music resides from where I stopped/paused it.

How do I just get a clean pause/start button?

Here is my actionscript.

var song:Sound = new Sound();
var songPosition:Number = 0;

btn_sound.onRelease = function () {
if (paused == true) {
songPosition = song.position/1000;
else {
paused = true;


var paused:Boolean = false;