Sound Class can't show bytesLoaded in browser


I have this MP3 player ;
I embed it with swfObject and the way I’m getting the MP3 is by mySound.load(“http://www…/rs/play_song/”);

My problem is that I can’t access the mySound.bytesLoaded (for the buffer bar) when showing in a browser. If I load the SWF by itself (by double clicking it on my localdrive) the bytesLoaded/bytesTotal show just fine. If I load it in a HTML with IE7 or Google Chrome, bytesTotal are always zero and if you load it with Mozilla Firefox, bytesLoaded always == bytesTotal.

I’ve added a dynamic line on my player that refreshes by ENTER_FRAME that shows you bytesLoaded / bytesTotal. The actual MP3 has 4.404Mb…

Let me know if you have any ideas about this player vs. browser issue.