Is there a way to mute all sounds in a whole scene?
I want to have a button that turns off all sounds and stops
all sounds from playing until i press the button again.
The button is done and there’s a "set(gallerysound,1)
instruction in it when first pressed, and then it
changes to zero the second time around. But now I’m stuck.
How do i use this var to control the sounds in other keyframes?
(preventing the sounds from playing until gallerysound changes again) ?
I want the button to work as a “mute” button does on a TV. While it’s in mute mode, no sound should start, but when you unmute it, sounds should be allowed again.
i have 7 keyframes, one soundclip plays in each,
and there’s a navigation system which lets the user
navigate through the frames.
stopAllSounds works, but then you have to
push it every time you move to a new frame.
This seems to be a good solution, but I’m having problems with the variable, how do I declare it? Does it have to be global?
And if, how do I declare a global variable?
It works now, but now the problem is how and when to load the sounds… I can’t load all sounds into the first frame, because it gets a size above 200k. and if i don’t load it into the first frame, the sounds don’t play when i want them to.